Friday, July 17, 2009

Meet the Team! **UPDATED**

The CPC Team is Ready! Now I would like everyone to meet them! Well you know me (Slider94) so we will skip that part ;)
Lets get started!

This is Outtacntrll! He is an Author of CPC! He can update you on hackers and take over while I am away. Outta has his own site but recently changed it! He plays a VERY big role in CPC! I was new to the whole site making thing and found his site.. Well he taught me step by step how to build a site and put up a chat box a a whole bunch more! He is a very good-quiet-friend of mine! You have probably seen him around here too!

This is Hedgehog 14! She is the Newspaper and Upcoming Eventer of CPC! It is kinda like a News Reporter! If there is something cool or important or BIG coming to Club Penguin, she will post about it! She will also post the Upcoming Events in the Weekly Newspaper! She is Very Friendly and VERY Kind! She has her own site and is currently winning the Coin Code Contest for CPC! You might not have seen her at this site except for in the Chat Box! But now you will be seeing a lot of her! Be sure to say hi if you see her!

This is Molly222 she is the Cataloger of CPC! She will post all the cheats to all the new catalogs A.S.A.P! She is also a part of CPN! She is very nice and very cool! She is dedicated to her site and was nice enough to volunteer to be part of CPC! You probably havent seen her around here at all but now you should be able to get to know her!

This is Dagamer! He is the Sidebar Person of CPC! He will try to find cool things to go on the sidebars! He has his own site not only about CP but also other games! Hence the name "Dagamer" He is a really cool guy and when you get to know him... he is even cooler! He comes to the CPC chat sometimes so you might have seen him around but now you will really get to know him! Tell him any ideas you have for sidebars and he just might put it up!

This is Himskater12! He is the newest member in the CPC Team but still very important! He is the Organizer and the Poll Person! He will organize CPC and update the polls! He will plan CPC Parties and post the information on them! He is an awesome guy and a cool friend! He knows His way around a computer! You might have seen him in the Chat Box a couple of times but know you should see him more! He has already made the Catalog Cheats link (you can find them on the sidebar) and may be making more things like that! If you see him be sure to thank him for making CPC as organized as Possible!

Well now you know the team! They work hard and well! If you see them around ask them anything you want!
-Slider94, CPC President

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